This ministry is a fantastic way to get to know other Catholic young adults and to develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Through ongoing training you will develop your God given gifts and help bring other to Christ. There is no better feeling in the world than seeing the faces of the youth at a CYA retreat and knowing that they are having a blast and learning about their faith.
1. Fill out an online Membership Form
2. Vetted – be in communion with the Catholic Church and download and mail and/or e-mail the
Download the Eligibility Form *
*not needed if you are serving in your parish as catechist or youth leader
Ages: Incoming High School Freshman* and older
* May not be able serve in all aspects of retreat as it depends on the audience of the retreat.
3. Safe Environment Training (provided by the Diocese of Amarillo)
4. In Ministry (job) training and Online basic training (provided by the Diocese of Amarillo)
5. Ongoing Online training:
6. Time Required: Can serve in one or many retreats as your time allows.
Saturday one day retreat sample: Friday set up and return Saturday night.
(if using own transportation — be ready on site by Saturday 8:00 a.m.)
7. You must be able to serve at least on ONE retreat per year to be on team.
Covenant Teen works around your schedule when it comes to serving the youth through thematic retreats, conferences and faith formation. Covenant Teen also understands that we all have different God given gifts so we use you according to your gift.
Franciscan University Catechetical Institute is an online program for anyone interested in serving in retreats.
Online training program through the Franciscan University. We have a learning tracks called "Retreat Team Ministry" for those ministering in retreats.
The training is divided into six (6) topics: Foundations, Scripture, Method, Philosophy, Spiritual and Doctrine with advance training.
Foundation examples: The vocation of the Catechist, Jesus: The Christocentricity of Catechesis, The Deposit of Faith: An Introduction to the Catechism and Essential Link between Liturgy and Catechesis.
Advanced Part of Foundations examples: Magisterial, Conciliar & Catechetical Documents 1, Pedagogy of Revelation & the Response of Faith and The Catholic Family: Context of Catechesis
Here is the landing page for the Youth Ministry Online training:
Click on "Retreat Team Ministry" to view all the courses
sample track on top of the page:
Contact Oscar at 806-383-2243 ext. 118 if you are interested