Your gift helps by giving the young adults (retreat team) opportunity to become leaders in their own community and spread the good news of the gospel and give an opportunity for those in middle and high school youth to experience aha! moment with God.
PRAY and concider sharing in the vision of Covenant Teen and be a blessing to others?
Other ways to HELP!
1. Pray for the team and those attending
2. Join the Retreat Team
$45.00 Pays for one teen to attend at no cost but $2000.00 can offer a "FREE" full day retreat to a parish of 25 reatreats or more if possible. Includes: two meals and snacks, retreat supplies and team travel, lodging.
Please donate and on the memo line add the words “retreat ministry" - 100% will go towards the Retreat Ministry*
BY CHECK: Know that 100% of your donation goes towards Covenant Teen ministry when you mail in a money order or check payable to:
Covenant Teen
P.O. Box 32762
Amarillo, Texas 79120
If you have any questions please call Oscar Guzman at 806-383-2243, ext. 118 or e-mail at [email protected] , text: 806-670-5278
"I will bless you... so that you will be a blessing to others" Genesis 12:2
May "The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!" (Numbers 6:24-25)
May the Lord blessed you hundredfold for your generosity, according to His will!