Thank you for your interest in COVENANT TEEN, May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:13)
Family Membership: Includes at least one parent(s) (guardian(s)) and all children
Please click on the Membership Donation link to finish your registration.
I/We the parent(s) of the family above, who has applied for participation in the activities of the Catholic Youth Ministry, hereby give my/our consent and approval for the participation in any and all activities of the Diocese of Amarillo during the ensuing years. I/We will read the Covenant Teen constitution and understand what our family/son/daughter will be doing as a Covenant Teen member. I/We assume all risks and hazards incident to the conduct of such activities, including any and all transportation and for and in consideration of the educational instruction our family will receive in connection therewith. I/We hereby agree to release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless, Catholic Youth Ministry, the Catholic Youth Organization and its affiliates, the Diocese of Amarillo and any and all superiors, organizers or sponsors, of and from any and all liability for an injury to family/my/our aforesaid youth. I/We waive all claims of any kind herein above enumerated, including any and all persons transporting my/our child for from any such activities herein above named.
Additionally, I/We give permission for my/our son/daughter/guardianship to be photographed during activities associated with the above-mentioned event. I/we understand that said photos/videos may be used for future publicity within the parish, Diocese, and or Catholic Church.